
Celebrity Sighting...Well Sorta....

Last night Andrew and I went out to eat in celebration of his 26th birthday. After what was probably the most delicious meal I’ve ever had at Outback, we hit up WalMart for a battery for his RoboDuck. I wanted to check out the jeans in the men's section because my little brother Riley really likes Wranglers and I wanted to see if they had his size. They didn't. But believe me, I didn't leave the jeans section disappointed.

As I was leaving the section a young man pushing a buggy caught my eye. He looked extremelly familiar and after I saw the young lady clinging to his arm I knew exactly who he was. It was the eldest Duggar child and his teenage bride…her name escapes me now, but it doesn’t matter. I’m sure they have changed it to something that begins with a J – probably Janessa - it was probably part of their wedding vows - "I promise to love, honor, obey and go by the name Janessa, as long as we both shall live"... As I looked at them trying to be 100% certain of their identity I ran through a "Duggar Woman Checklist" of sorts:

  • Long crimped brown hair - Check
  • No make-up - Check
  • Long blue jean skirt - Check
  • Short-sleeve plaid button up shirt - Check (mind you it was 25 degrees outside)
  • Clinging to his arm cause until the day they got married all they were allowed to do was hold hands - Check

Yep - if it walks like a Duggar, dresses like a Duggar and looks like a Duggar it must be a Duggar!

I was estactic. I wanted to say hi, begin a pleasant conversation, become friends, but after the blog post I wrote about them a couple of months ago I didn't feel it'd be right. So instead I began whisper yelling at Andrew trying to get his attention so he'd turn around and see them too. He told me later he was intently staring at the tacky lingerie across the aisle trying to come up with a joke to crack about it and that's why it was so hard to get his attention. Finally he turned around and I told him of the Duggar sighting. He turned (pretty obviously, I might add) to check them out.

Andrew offered to take a picture of me with the Duggars and looking back I regret that I was too embarrassed to ask them - what a gem that would have been. And I could have posted on the blog along with my post.

I think I talked about my "celebrity" sighting for a good 45 minutes after it happened and I'm sure Andrew was thinking "these people aren't celebrities" but to me they are. It's like I told Andrew, I'm so used to seeing them on the tv doing things in Fayetteville, but never actually seeing them in Fayetteville that sometimes I'm not sure they're really real. Last night confirmed it - all 21 of the Duggars are real.

Oh and for those of you who have seen the show - no, Joshua and his teen bride "Janessa" were not accompanied by chaperons.

And if you're bored...they have their very own website!


amanda said...

"We look forward to the blessing of children."
Oh, I bet you do, Anna. I bet you do.

Jules said...

There's only one way to explain why now, after all this time, you finally had a chance encounter with the Duggars: The Lord works in mysterious ways. Thanks for the awesome recap of the sighting!

BTW, I watch the show and Mother Duggar would not approve of shopping at Wal-Mart. The groceries come from Aldi and the clothes come from the Samaritan Shop on South Thompson. See, even the holiest of all the Duggar kids can't resist the temporal temptations of Wal-Mart. I knew I was not alone.

Kari said...

We are driving by there house as soon as I can get my butt up to Fayetteville again!