
What's the fun in that??

I used to love the snow. Mostly, I loved snow days. Playing in the snow got to be a bit ridiculous once I reached my teen years. But I would still look forward to forecasts of snow when I lived in Arkansas because it usually meant no school and possibly, no work! Those were good times.

Well, people in Michigan have their sh** together, I guess. Not once since I've moved here has the snow done me one bit of good. Up here, people are ready for the snow with snow blowers and snow plows and salt for sidewalks. There's hardly time for building snow men before the roads are cleared and sidewalks dusted with salt. Today, in fact, it snowed all day long. Sure, it was pretty, but in the back of my mind I'm thinking, "Ughh, I have to walk to the bus stop in a foot of snow...the buses will probably be running late...and I have to get up tomorrow morning and do the same thing because nothing ever closes due to snow up here!" I ask you, what's the fun in that?!

But you know who hates the snow even more than I do?

Sloane. She hates it. I obviously don't blame her for hating it, and she's got it 100x worse. She doesn't have the luxury of wearing shoes, so her tiny little paws get cold and snow packs in all the nooks. She typically manages about 10 feet before begging to be picked up when we go for her "business" walks. Today she wouldn't even do her business! I think we'll be paying for that later.


Brittnee said...

Sloane is no snow dog...she much prefers the sun and the beach.

Kari said...

Is that her parka? HIlarious!