
RIP: StopYellingAtMe.blogspot.com

Our poor, poor blog is dead. It hasn't seen a new post since early June. I'm even thinking of writing an obituary for it.
I was talking to my boss about it today and she had an interesting point - once we swore off celebrity gossip, we clearly swore off our blog too. So to restore life back to our blog I propose this: We'll still steer clear of the celebrity "news" but we continue to post our opinions on pop culture and tv...after all our love of those things brought the three of us together as friends and brought about this blog.
The Hills will be starting soon and Jenny will (hopefully) resume her episode recaps. And since I watch Jon and Kate Plus 8 each week - I will be recap those. Kari,what are you watching? Anything you can recap?
I'm not ready to kill off the blog yet!


Jenny Jackson said...

I will definitely be there for each and every (painstaking) recap of The Hills. I act like I don't enjoy it, but I do.

I look forward to reading the Jon & Kate + 8 recaps because I watch that show, too.

Kari, if you want to recap America's Best Dance Crew, I'd be fine with it.

amanda said...

Jenny will recap Project Runway, I know she will!

Kari said...

Oh Jenny, that's a good one for you!

I can't bear to watch America's Best Dance Crew, so I'll have to come up with something else. Reality shows seem like the most entertaining thing to recap. Any ideas for me?

Jenny Jackson said...

Do you want Project Runway? The Hills is starting up soon and I don't know if I can handle 2 shows.

Kari said...

I guess I could do Project Runway. I haven't watched this season yet, but it's recorded and I'm just waiting for a lazy Sunday to catch up. Without Christian I wonder how it can be nearly as exciting as last season.

Brittnee said...

It's not nearly as exciting...I've been tuning in, but really only watch the end to see the outfits.