
RR/RW Challenge

Every year I eagerly await the new round of Real World/Road Rules Challenges. Some of the finest moments in reality tv have happened on this show. In fact, I once wrote a paper in one of my advertising classes on the Challenge and even quoted Coral when she said, "I beat bitches up." Now if that wasn't quality reality tv programming, I don't know what is.

So it should come as no surprise, that I have been anxious for the start of a new season. And maybe it's my fault for building it up in my head, for expecting too much, for wanting to understand what the heck was going on from the beginning of the first show. Yeah, it has to be my fault...it couldn't be MTV's fault for opening with a lame first episode. No, no that couldn't be it...I mean MTV is the same network that gave us the 2008 MTV Music Video Awards, and those weren't terrible, right? WRONG.

I know it's my responsibility to watch and blog about this season's challenge, but I don't know if I can watch another episode....so here's what may be my final recap:

TJ Lavin (who is he anyway?) is the host again...they strand a bunch of Yea-Whos from past RR/RW on a deserted island (but there is one new guy and I can't place him, so I suspect he's just totally new). And you wanna guess what this year's big twist is? They will live out in the elements...no sweet party pad this year kids - you're pretty much on Survivor, only MTV style.

So it's pretty much the same drama, the same alliances and the same partying, just not at a sweet villa in Mexico. I especially loved that Tonya came on the show to show the world how she's got her act together and swiftly shows the world that she's still crazy Tonya (hey-remember Kari got that sweet Boondoggle of her at that fight in LR).

Cliff's Notes of Episode One: Dropped on a island - don't drink all the water - we have to use outhouses - we only have rice - let's get naked in the water and hook up - I need to puke - there are no challenges - there's a plane dropping supplies - let's kick Tonya off - the end.


Jenny Jackson said...

I will agree with you that this show is a worthless pile of garbage, but I don't know if that will keep me from watching. Sad, I know. The biggest thing this version of the RW/RR challenge has going against it is that there's no Coral, and everyone who's on the show is totally lame. They take the game WAY seriously and try and strategize from day one. It's annoying. I won't be mad if you don't want to recap this show. But we need a show to get you excited about recapping!

Brittnee said...

Maybe I'll recap Privileged...It looks like it's going to be pretty interesting...or I could recap Gossip Girl, but sadly - I do watch that too.

Kari said...

The really sad thing is that after reading your recap and comments, I'm actually intrigued. Survivor-Style RR/RW! I'm going to have to check it out. Although, with no Coral, it seems pretty hopeless.