
Dancing with the Sanders

Kelly: Can you believe that Steve is dancing with the stars? I think he did great. We should call Brandon and make sure he's watching.

Dylan: Steve? Dancing? Who cares about that? Have you even noticed how fantastic my hair looks today? Do you have any idea how long this took me to fix?

Kelly (aside): Steve Sanders, my first and my only true love. Sigh.

Despite what Dylan thinks, I loved watching Steve (okay I know it's Ian, but he will always be Steve Sanders to me and he might hate it when people only think of him as Steve but 90210 made him rich so he should just get over it) on Dancing with the Stars. I think he did great and when they showed him learning the dance, he seemed like a nice guy. Kind of full of himself, but goofy and lovable at the same time. I could picture myself hanging out with him, though I would probably be forced to call him Ian.

DWTS excites me this season! I flat out like watching Steve. Fatone is ridiculous but entertaining. I hold my breath when Heather Mills and her prosthetic leg take the floor. I missed Apolo dancing but I think he would be fun to watch. I might actually make it past the first episode this season. Yay for DWTS!