
Spy movies are for boys

Or are they? I just saw two really good movies that I felt the need to blog about: The Lives of Others and The Departed. Lives won the Oscar for Best Foreign Film (it's German) and Departed won the Oscar for Best Picture. I can see why. They were great! I was captivated by each one in different, yet equally awesome ways.

The Lives of Others - This movie played at my theater and Eric and I went to see it on the last day it played. It's about an agent of the German secret police who has to spy on a writer/actor couple and ends up becoming really, REALLY involved in their lives. One thing I must mention is that the music for this film was incredible. It was beautiful and also set the creepy, spy-movie tone quite well. Another thing is that the ending is perfect, with a bit of a twist. Overall, I would highly recommend it even to people who don't like to read subtitles (I'm talking to you, Brant).

The Departed - With a cast that includes some of the biggest names in Hollywood, this movie made good use of every single one of the actors. Leo? Showed his acting chops. Jack? Very believable. Marky Mark?! His character was my favorite and I understand now why he was nominated for an Oscar. He was hilarious and inappropriate and had a terrible haircut. I loved him...don't tell him I called him Marky Mark, though. I also love that Martin Scorsese finally won his Oscar for this film. Before I saw the film I wondered if ol' Marty really deserved to win or if he was just getting what was long overdue. He deserved it, in my opinion.

I love when movies live up to their expectations. These two definitely did.


Erjacksonic said...

I concur that they were both splendid movies...and I really do think Jenny has a soft-spot for spy/cop dramas. We watched The Bourne Identity (not for the first time) on TV about a week ago and Jenny was equally transfixed.

This make me wonder why we didn't go see The Good Shephard when it was out.

Unknown said...

maybe because it was 5 hours long? let's get it on ondemand instead.

Kari said...

I should probably see these movies. I'm in a movie rut right now. I can't even remember the last movie I saw, but I know it wasn't that great. I have this thing about spy movies. I almost always end up liking them, but I never want to watch them in the beginning. Is that weird?