
Is that really necessary?

From time to time, you'll see someone walking in a store or down the street and they appear to be having a nice little conversation with themselves. You think, are they crazy? Then you see a little blue light near their ear and you think, oh it's just a Bluetooth.

What I'm starting to think though is that they really are crazy. Just how available does a person need to be and/or how hard is it to hold a phone to your ear??!! I have just a few exceptions to thinking Bluetooths are annoying. One, in the car. Having both hands available for steering is probably a good thing. Two (and this is only a recent exception), in an office. I have seen people walk around here while on the phone and I must say that I'm okay with that. They appear to be very busy and I've only seen one of them walk out of the office with the Bluetooth on. So, I guess I can be okay with it in an office.

But not in a store! I don't need you walking towards me laughing or bitching or yelling into what seems to be thin air, only to realize that you are talking to another human being. What's worse, your hands have absolutely nothing going on. You're not carrying a baby. You're not burdened with a heavy package. You're not signing to anyone. You're hands are free! They need something to do. Why not hand them a little cell phone to hold up to your ear?

Another thing is that I have never seen a meek, humble looking person with a Bluetooth. Never. It always seems to be someone who thinks they are really cool and quite important. Buying a device that sticks on your ear does not make you cool or important. In most cases, it just makes you look dumb.


Unknown said...

You are so right about the type of people who use bluetooths. And why is it that they talk so loud? I would think that if it were possible to be seen as maybe carrying on a conversation with yourself that you'd want to keep the volume down a bit. But that just goes back to your theory about Bluetooth people being crazy.