
THE HILLS are alive with the sound of bitches

Lauren Conrad can't catch an effing break these days. First, she breaks up with J.Whal after having turned down an internship in Paris. Then, Heidi starts to slip away to be with Spencer (who shall from now on be referred to has Helmet-Head), who might be the smarmiest person on earth. And finally, her best friend Jen Bunney (seriously?) goes and hooks up with ol' Brody, the first guy that Lauren liked after Jason. LC is going through some STUFF, ya'll. It's called evaluating friendships and making some changes.

In last night's episode Lauren tore into Bunney about the Brody hookup. Good for her! I'm glad she stood her ground and called out her "friend." When Lauren began to open the door as a cue for Bunney to leave, I knew that I would like to be her friend.

This season of The Hills has been really addicting. And next week's episode features that crazy man who used to work with Anna Wintour...you KNOW he's gonna cause some drama.


Kari said...

I think this episode was one of the best ever. For starters, so much happened. Usually, we just see one little drama unfold and they use fillers (like characters sitting in uncomfortable silence) to make it 30 minutes long. Not this time! We had the move in with Helmet Head discussion, Jen showing up at work, the bday party and the fight with Jen. I really thought they would have saved that fight for the next episode. I was actually surprised when I went to fast forward after the party scene and saw that there was so much time left.

Last season was blah, but I watched it. This season actually makes me want to see a third season.

Once you are friends with Lauren, please introduce me!

Brittnee said...

Heidi sucks