
Why Do I Care?

After spending half and hour reading about how Tori Spelling is wearing clothes that only non-pregnant women should wear, and how Mandy Moore and DJ AM split, and how Brangelina are adopting again I had to ask myself...why do I care about this?

You know how a lot of celebs say, "Don't buy the gossip magazines, you're just feeding the fire and creating reason for the paparazzi to hound us," in order to make us feel sorry for them? Well, it's not working. I think there are about 50 magazines in the groceries/bookstores/newsstands with a celebrity-gossip focus. And people are buying them like crazy!! Not just "people" like some faceless mass with a credit card. People like...me.

Yes, I am drawn to find out why Sienna Miller gave Jude Law a second chance and why Kate Moss is remotely attracted to Pete Doherty and why leggings are so popular. My question is, WHY? Why do I care what famous people are doing? What is it in me that needs to hear about who's dating who? I can't explain it and I certainly can't make it stop.

I know I'm not alone. Why do you guys care about celebs? And when did Tori Spelling become celeb-newsworthy??


Kari said...

Why do we care?? I don't envy these people's live at all. Okay, maybe I would like to have a house in Malibu and eat at expensive restaurants daily and have someone fix my hair everyday. But honestly, I enjoy the life I lead and have zero desire to be famous.

Yet, like you, I constantly read about celebs. Part of it is boredom, but the larger part, unfortunately, is that to some degree I do care who's dating who and who just went to rehab. I don't know why, but it's entertaining. It's like a car wreck that you can't turn away from.

And just so all of you celebs out there reading this blog, if we stopped buying the magazines, you would still be overdosing and cheating and adopting so you would still be in the news. Be normal and we wouldn't care so damn much!