
Spy movies are for boys

Or are they? I just saw two really good movies that I felt the need to blog about: The Lives of Others and The Departed. Lives won the Oscar for Best Foreign Film (it's German) and Departed won the Oscar for Best Picture. I can see why. They were great! I was captivated by each one in different, yet equally awesome ways.

The Lives of Others - This movie played at my theater and Eric and I went to see it on the last day it played. It's about an agent of the German secret police who has to spy on a writer/actor couple and ends up becoming really, REALLY involved in their lives. One thing I must mention is that the music for this film was incredible. It was beautiful and also set the creepy, spy-movie tone quite well. Another thing is that the ending is perfect, with a bit of a twist. Overall, I would highly recommend it even to people who don't like to read subtitles (I'm talking to you, Brant).

The Departed - With a cast that includes some of the biggest names in Hollywood, this movie made good use of every single one of the actors. Leo? Showed his acting chops. Jack? Very believable. Marky Mark?! His character was my favorite and I understand now why he was nominated for an Oscar. He was hilarious and inappropriate and had a terrible haircut. I loved him...don't tell him I called him Marky Mark, though. I also love that Martin Scorsese finally won his Oscar for this film. Before I saw the film I wondered if ol' Marty really deserved to win or if he was just getting what was long overdue. He deserved it, in my opinion.

I love when movies live up to their expectations. These two definitely did.


Dancing with the Sanders

Kelly: Can you believe that Steve is dancing with the stars? I think he did great. We should call Brandon and make sure he's watching.

Dylan: Steve? Dancing? Who cares about that? Have you even noticed how fantastic my hair looks today? Do you have any idea how long this took me to fix?

Kelly (aside): Steve Sanders, my first and my only true love. Sigh.

Despite what Dylan thinks, I loved watching Steve (okay I know it's Ian, but he will always be Steve Sanders to me and he might hate it when people only think of him as Steve but 90210 made him rich so he should just get over it) on Dancing with the Stars. I think he did great and when they showed him learning the dance, he seemed like a nice guy. Kind of full of himself, but goofy and lovable at the same time. I could picture myself hanging out with him, though I would probably be forced to call him Ian.

DWTS excites me this season! I flat out like watching Steve. Fatone is ridiculous but entertaining. I hold my breath when Heather Mills and her prosthetic leg take the floor. I missed Apolo dancing but I think he would be fun to watch. I might actually make it past the first episode this season. Yay for DWTS!


THE HILLS are alive with the sound of bitches

Lauren Conrad can't catch an effing break these days. First, she breaks up with J.Whal after having turned down an internship in Paris. Then, Heidi starts to slip away to be with Spencer (who shall from now on be referred to has Helmet-Head), who might be the smarmiest person on earth. And finally, her best friend Jen Bunney (seriously?) goes and hooks up with ol' Brody, the first guy that Lauren liked after Jason. LC is going through some STUFF, ya'll. It's called evaluating friendships and making some changes.

In last night's episode Lauren tore into Bunney about the Brody hookup. Good for her! I'm glad she stood her ground and called out her "friend." When Lauren began to open the door as a cue for Bunney to leave, I knew that I would like to be her friend.

This season of The Hills has been really addicting. And next week's episode features that crazy man who used to work with Anna Wintour...you KNOW he's gonna cause some drama.


Why Do I Care?

After spending half and hour reading about how Tori Spelling is wearing clothes that only non-pregnant women should wear, and how Mandy Moore and DJ AM split, and how Brangelina are adopting again I had to ask myself...why do I care about this?

You know how a lot of celebs say, "Don't buy the gossip magazines, you're just feeding the fire and creating reason for the paparazzi to hound us," in order to make us feel sorry for them? Well, it's not working. I think there are about 50 magazines in the groceries/bookstores/newsstands with a celebrity-gossip focus. And people are buying them like crazy!! Not just "people" like some faceless mass with a credit card. People like...me.

Yes, I am drawn to find out why Sienna Miller gave Jude Law a second chance and why Kate Moss is remotely attracted to Pete Doherty and why leggings are so popular. My question is, WHY? Why do I care what famous people are doing? What is it in me that needs to hear about who's dating who? I can't explain it and I certainly can't make it stop.

I know I'm not alone. Why do you guys care about celebs? And when did Tori Spelling become celeb-newsworthy??

Is that really necessary?

From time to time, you'll see someone walking in a store or down the street and they appear to be having a nice little conversation with themselves. You think, are they crazy? Then you see a little blue light near their ear and you think, oh it's just a Bluetooth.

What I'm starting to think though is that they really are crazy. Just how available does a person need to be and/or how hard is it to hold a phone to your ear??!! I have just a few exceptions to thinking Bluetooths are annoying. One, in the car. Having both hands available for steering is probably a good thing. Two (and this is only a recent exception), in an office. I have seen people walk around here while on the phone and I must say that I'm okay with that. They appear to be very busy and I've only seen one of them walk out of the office with the Bluetooth on. So, I guess I can be okay with it in an office.

But not in a store! I don't need you walking towards me laughing or bitching or yelling into what seems to be thin air, only to realize that you are talking to another human being. What's worse, your hands have absolutely nothing going on. You're not carrying a baby. You're not burdened with a heavy package. You're not signing to anyone. You're hands are free! They need something to do. Why not hand them a little cell phone to hold up to your ear?

Another thing is that I have never seen a meek, humble looking person with a Bluetooth. Never. It always seems to be someone who thinks they are really cool and quite important. Buying a device that sticks on your ear does not make you cool or important. In most cases, it just makes you look dumb.


Give 'em the old razzle dazzle

My theory is that we grew tired of the old blog. The same old layout for months and months?! No. It won't cut it. It didn't cut it! Which is why I'm revamping this ol' baby with a new design. With the help of Blogger's new version on Google (everything's better with Google) this little blog of ours is going to make something of itself. Yes, ma'ams.

I hope to see both of you lovely ladies here on the blog. I'll be here, rest assured. I'll be posting when I find something funny/relevant/absurd to talk about. Or, in some cases, none of the above! Oh blogger, is there anything you can't do?