
Honk Honk

I don't even really know where to start with this post. Nothing too annoying happened on my way to work or while I was running errands at lunch today. However, in general, most other people on the road annoy me. I am not a honker. If I honk, I must either be scared or in a bad mood. However, sometimes a polite honk is necessary.
Case in point, a few weeks ago I got behind an obviously confused driver. There are two stoplights, one not twenty feet after the other, right next to my office. As the first light turned green, the lady in front of me barely inched forward. I held my honk, trying to be nice. But after a few seconds, I give a hey-by-the-way-the-light-is-green-and-we're-all-waiting-on-you-to-move-forward-honk. It was short and sweet and not meant in a mean way. In return, the lady completely stopped in the middle of the intersection, turned around to face me, yelled something and flailed her arms. Seriously? I was amazed!

Even though my honk was justified, this reaction makes me never want to honk again. Oh but I'm sure I will.