
New header

As you can see, I put up a new header over the weekend. I also changed our tag line, because although it's true that we do have something to say about everything, we often don't get around to saying it on the blog. Oh well, no biggie. I think that the new tag line is more representative of what the blog has become. It was either that or "We hope you like The Hills!"


Brittnee said...

I love it! If I can figure out how to add video to the blog, I may video Gabbie's new tricks. She has quite a few and would love to show them off.

Jenny Jackson said...

Do it! You can always upload a video to youtube and embed that to the site. It's really easy. I'd love to see Gab's tricks!

Kari said...

By the way, I never commented but I LOVE the new header. Let's face it. You could change that header to anything you designed and it would be awesome. I like the idea of changing it up every now and then.