

So we enjoyed a weekend at the lake a while back, and I've been slow about getting a few pictures up. We actually didn't take that many pictures. I guess we were too busy mixing poinsettias and/or trying to find more of the frozen alcoholic drinks that are quite similar to Capri Suns. Anyhoo, good times were had by all. We played a rousing game of Taboo, the guys fished every morning and we all had fun watching the dogs play.
Top Ten Things We Learned at the Lake:
  1. Bailey doesn't care for swimming but she likes splashing.
  2. When you go to the zoo, you see zebras.
  3. Christy definitely wants penis whistles.
  4. Brant is a sucky fisherman, but Will seems to be a natural.
  5. Carter is funny. Okay, we knew my dad was funny but he was in top form at the lake.
  6. Hot Springs doesn't seem to stock mint in any grocery store!
  7. Dawn is hilarious and Ron can cook a fine burger.
  8. Debbie doesn't need to sit that close to Christy.
  9. Kari prefers the life jacket diaper to noods.
  10. Poinsettias are delicious at any time of day!


Jenny Jackson said...

I have no idea what half of this stuff means, but I can tell you guys had a great time!

smjacks said...

what's a poinsetta.... christmas plant???

Kari said...

a delicious breakfast drink consisting of champagne and cranberry juice. better than a mimosa!

Will Askew said...

"You can have 'em. I hate 'em. They look good on you though."

"Who's driving that boat?!?!?!?"