

So many priceless moments this episode! Here are some of my absolute favorites:

Lauren's face when J.Whal mentioned he had a girlfriend...and that they were moving in together.

Lisa Love. She's lookin' good in that black and white plaid.

Heidi and Jenn going dress shopping. Question: Is Jenn Bunney Heidi's Maid of Honor? And if so, is one of her primary duties to try and talk Heidi out of getting married? "Obviously you're not in the right mindframe, but for me it's just different," Jenn. Gah! PS. This wedding is SO not happening.

Who's ever heard of this awesome band Blue Parachute Logistics or whatever? And the lead singer wears LADIES jeans...also, very proud of it. Watch out, MTV2.

The 3 girls walking into the dive bar. Whitney: "I hope I don't get wasted!" True fun is holding your nose to drink shots just so you can get drunk. You go, girls!

Spencer and Heidi registering. Obviously, they aren't getting married. I think Heidi is just scanning the walls and pretending. They will "come back another day..." MmmmKay! We'll see ya then!

One word. Katja. Gross. The name's gotta go. Mabye just go by Kat. It's a lot less horrible. Ok, not A LOT, but it's better.

The "engagement!" Wow. Idiots. All of 'em. He's an idiot for asking her to marry him after 7 months and she's an idiot for marrying someone in rehab who's not even supposed to be dating anybody. I think I see another marriage in our future...that is SO not happening.

I think Lauren said it best when she said that her engagement party "didn't include a keg and a Bob Marley poster." Sometimes, she's just so poetic.

Lisa Love. Still rockin' the plaid...hmmmm, is that in stye now?

Why is it that every interaction between Spencer and Heidi seems forced? "Here you go, Princess." "Oh Thank you!" Just be normal!! Idiots.

Favorite part: Let's talk Spiedi wedding. Tibet. Eloping. These are solid gold ideas. Why do we have to have our whole families there, Heidi? Why can't we just not tell our parents that we're getting married? What's the big deal? It's not as if this wedding is actually happening. Geez, so naive.

Breakthrough: Lauren - "This could have been me...and I'm so glad it's not." Halleluiah! It's about time that girl wised up.

And then she goes and makes out with Brody in the previews. Uggghhh. Can't wait til next week! VEGAS!!!


Kari said...

I was wondering why you hadn't emailed this morning. Now I see you were busy giving the best recap ever of last night's show.

Katja looks like a WiiMii.

Spencer's facial scruff makes me want to barf. I can't believe he hasn't thought to mention to his family that he's engaged... wait, yes, I can believe that.

Ladies jeans and proud. Hilarious!

Brant continues to claim that he hates this show, but he let me watch it last night under the guise of "if you'll miss out on your gossip because of it, then we can go ahead and watch it." Basically, he loves it!

Jenny Jackson said...

WiiMii...hilarious. And thank you for mentioning the facial hair. It is disgusting! Heidi needs to get herself a new soul mate. Although she's basically too far gone to care about anymore.

Brittnee said...

Lauren has much more class than myself...if I was the one at my ex's housewarming/kegger/engagement party I would probably have thrown something at Jason. Instead she raises her glass and her eyebrows...I really think we need to all think of a way to meet LC and Audrina and Whitney... I think they'd love to be our friends, plus we could all talk crap on Speidi and their fake (but lets act like it's real) relationship. I can't wait until next week to see Elodie quit her job and (hopefully) go off on Heidi!