
I'm gonna be sick

OMG. What is THIS?! First, they are invited to the the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner (no joke) and now they are scheduling photo ops in DC?! This has got to stop!! The saddest thing about Speidi is that all of their photos are so staged. Even if other "celebs" tip off the paparazzi to their whereabouts, they at least act like they are surprised to see them there. Spencer and Heidi have pose-offs with each other that look completely ridiculous. I don't get it, and I don't get them.

PS. WHY are they still together?!?!

PPS. Heidi needs to quit with the high-waisted shorts. ASAP.


Brittnee said...

The American flags are just too much. This couple needs to break up and get off of my tv. I cannot stand them. The Hills is entertaining enough when they just show Lauren, Whitney and Lo. They don't need Audrina or Heidi.
We should start a petition to get Heidi and Audrina off of the show.

Kari said...

And I just don't get it with Audrina. She didn't bother me at first. Oh wait... it was JBob. He ruined her for me.