
Droppin' the G

We haven't talked about celebs in a while, so I thought we needed to dish on the latest in celeb life. Soooo... here we go. Let's start with a little confession from me. I am starting to like TomKat. Yes, that was hard for me to type. There are a few reasons I've come to this decision. One, their baby is C-U-T-E and no one can deny that. Two, Katie ran a marathon. You have to give props to a girl who can run a full marathon after having a baby. And Suri is not that old (And speaking of babies, it's time for the annoucement JLo. We all know you've got one in there.). Three, they aren't in our faces all the time like they used to be. Instead of pictures every single day, all day, we get maybe one or two a week. And in those pics, they seem happy and more genuine than before. And finally, I haven't heard any crazy Scientology talk from them in a while. So until further notice, I'm on team TomKat.

Rosie O'Donnell is in talks for another show. Sick. I will readily admit that I enjoyed her in the early years. Her first talk show was funny and entertaining. She threw Koosh balls around all the time and made people laugh. Flash forward to The View: The only things she throws around is bad attitude and she constantly berates the lovely Elisabeth Hasselbeck. While I pass no judgment on her lifestyle, I think she a rude, arrogant person and I will not be tuning in to hear her views on anything.
And finally, because I'm running out of things that I care about, I have to mention Spears. We said we didn't want to talk about her anymore, but it has to be said that she is still plum crazy (and notice how I didn't use cruiseazy this time. See, I like 'em).


Jenny Jackson said...

Can I tell you something I read that sent chills down my spine? EW.com said that it was possible that Rosie was going to get a role on Friday Night Lights. Something about a girls soccer coach. OH. GOD. NO. Please, no. I will protest with angry emails, NBC! Rosie and her stupid haiku blog need to go away for a long, long time.

Also, I was very excited to hear about Katie running the marathon. She's getting back to being a normal person instead of a drone that wanders around aimlessly. Good for her.

And I also wanted to comment on the celeb pregnancy thing since everyone is pregnant these days. Christina Aguilera. She looks like she's about to pop. She's obviously pregnant and has been noticeably so for about 2 months (at least). Why is it that earlier this week all the media rags were "confirming" her pregnancy?? Really? No kidding. I mean, I know she looked pregnant, but she never confirmed anything so I didn't want to jump to any conclusions. And this is coming from the same sources that print ridiculous news stories that are obviously untrue. Now all the sudden they are worried about "confirming" a story. Job well done, then! That's just great work.

Brittnee said...

I may have to withdraw from this blog and start my own...I don't know how I can blog with people who like TomKat.