
The Tooth Fairy visits Ryan Reynolds

Since movie stars have more money than they know what to do with, I am sure they are especially hard to shop for. So I could imagine that if your movie star boyfriend was turning 31 you might really struggle with what to get him. I mean I am sure they already have everything they could ever want or need.
One might think of presenting them with a trip or maybe even a romantic dinner...but not Scarlett Johansson. Oh no, she is not content to present her boyfriend with meaningless material goods. She has much bigger plans for her boyfriend on his birthday.
She's gonna get him his very on visit from the Tooth Fairy...and what might the Tooth Fairy bring, you might ask...well obviously she'll bring S.Johansson's boyfriend one of S.Johansson's wisdom teeth. And clearly when giving a wisdom tooth as a present, one must dip it in gold and make it into a necklace, because what says Happy Birthday Sweetie more than a gold-plated wisdom tooth necklace?

I have to cite my source here, as my boss actually found this g and told me about it.

So to recap - Ryan Reynolds recently turned 31, his girlfriend Scarlett Johansson gave him a necklace made of one of her gold-dipped wisdom teeth. Romantic.


Kari said...

The first one to find a picture of this wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will Askew said...

I can't say I'm surprised about this. I would say about 98% of beautiful women are also batshit insane, and that percentage rises when in Hollywood.
This makes her seem insane. Not like "Ha ha, this golden wisdom tooth is part of an inside joke, but I make $300 million a year, so this was still a crazy gift" insane, but "Wear this tooth around your neck and part of me will always be close to your heart" insane. I wouldn't be surprised if she keeps Death's Head moths in her basement like Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs.

Jenny Jackson said...

Getting my wisdom teeth removed was one of the worst experiences of my life. Not that everyone's is a disaster, but why would you ever want to hold on to something from that procedure in the first place? So, my biggest question is why did she request to keep any of the teeth in the first place? Once you get past that hurdle, dipping anything in gold is standard celeb protocol for gift giving, right? They give regular gifts like we do, they just have them gold dipped first? That's what I assume those Hollywood types do.