
It's after Labor Day

There's that rule that you can't wear white after Labor Day. We've all heard it, and yet, I am struggling with the fine print. Does this apply to all articles of clothing? Color me embarrassed when, while shopping at the Gap yesterday, Eric took one look at the white items in my hands and said, "It's after Labor Day, you know." To which I replied, "I thought that was just for shoes." And he responded with, "You never hear people say 'Don't wear white shoes after Labor Day.'" Hmmmm. I guess that's true, I have never heard that. But c'mon, is there anything wrong with wearing white shirts? I'm not saying I do it all the time, but I've definitely done it before. And maybe I wasn't given a fashion violation before because I was wearing "winter white." But I ask you, what is the difference?!

So, I need your help, fellow bloggers and fabulous readers of the blog. Is it OK to wear white in some articles of clothing? Or must it be a specific version of white - namely, winter. Do tell!


amanda said...

I think that you are specifically not supposed to wear white shoes after Labor Day, and I would err on the side of caution when it came to pants and skirts, but I think a a white button-down would be fine.

Anonymous said...

I think it is perfectly fine to wear anything white--INCLUDING shoes after labor day. Maybe just not on Labor day! :) Why limit your fashion?

Erjacksonic said...

Hahaha...my rapier wit even comes out in second-hand accounts of my smart-ass remarks. Turns out Jenny was definitely right, though. I quote from Yahoo answers:

Originally, the rule was more along the lines of "Only wear white shoes between Memorial Day and Labor Day." Furthermore, it mainly applied to white pumps or dress shoes. White tennis shoes and off-white boots seem exempt, as are any shoes worn by a winter bride. "Winter white" clothing (e.g., cream-colored wool) is acceptable between Labor Day and Memorial Day too.

Looks like it's mostly white below the waist that you have to worry about. Probably to prevent people from being lost in snowstorms.

Jenny Jackson said...

thanks for settling the debate, my dear. looks like i was right, as always.

Kari said...

Wow. I was going to defer to our resident fashioista on this, but Brittnee is nowhere to be found. Plus, it looks like Eric knows how to find answers and essentially proved himself wrong. Way to go Jackson family!

Pretty sure I wore some white khakis after Labor Day. Can't there be an exception to the rule when it's 105 degrees outside??!!

Jenny Jackson said...

I had high hopes for Davie, too. Am I going to need to break out the Chester-Brittnee photo??

Kari said...

You know, I think you might. After all, we warned her.

Brittnee said...

Can't a resident fashionista be busy shopping every once in a while?
I have to say you guys have pretty much covered what I would cover. I would like to warn that this "Labor Day rule" should also apply to purses/pocketbooks. One should only pull out the winter white in those after the festive holiday.

Jenny Jackson said...

Ah, good call. Thanks for the tip, resident fashionista!

Kari said...

Ummmm... I have a white/cream wallet. Please turn your head if I pull it out around you.

Brittnee said...

If it truly is "cream" as you claim, then I think it is fine.

Jenny Jackson said...

I hope it's fine because we were going to do a wallet swap! And if you had the intention of giving me a wallet that is a fashion don't then you had better think again!

In that same vein, however, my wallet is a pretty bright green, kinda summery...so you would be carrying that at your own risk.

We'll have to look into this next weekend.