
Pajiba: You are my sunshine.

Pajiba is a web site that publishes blogger-style reviews of TV shows, movies, book and more. It's tag line is "Scathing Reviews for Bitchy People" so it seems only natural that I love it so much. I used to read it a lot about two years ago, when I was out of a job and surfing the internet for jobs. After I found one, I forgot my good ol' friend, Pajiba. Oh, what a mistake that was.

After a morning full of reading movie reviews (see, I went there for work, I swear!) I feel reborn! There's just something so wonderful about reading what people have to say about something. But, and this is why Pajiba is my new favorite web site in the entire world, they do it better. It's on my level, it's a TV-watcher's/movie-goer's/book-reader's friend. Because the people reviewing the material aren't concerned with being PC. It's uncensored and fabulous. And what really sold me on it today especially was the review they gave of Friday Night Lights. I don't think I've gone into a lot of detail about that show (but I plan to, because it's one of the greatest shows on TV), but I love it and the review of it on Pajiba captured exactly why I love it. I think I was nodding my head while reading the entire review. Which isn't to say that I love reading what I agree with, although that can be nice, but mainly it tells me that they think like I do. They understand me. They like what I like (for the most part). That's pretty important when reading reviews for movies, books and even TV shows. Otherwise you're just taking advice from some hack at the San Francisco Chronicle who may or may not have ever seen an episode of Seinfeld! The horror!

To sum up: the reviews are good and funny and you should check it out if you have some time.


Kari said...

Such a great review of Friday Night Lights. I will be checking this site often for upcoming movies and new shows.

Sidenote: Finally, I can like Julie on FNL again. She was turning into an annoying teenager, but after last week's episode, I like her again.