
Tis the season? Not really.

I saw people putting up Christmas lights on some trees in downtown AA yesterday! What??! It's October. Not even Thanksgiving yet. Not even November yet! It seems way too early for that kind of thing. Don't get me wrong, I love when the lights are up and I especially love the holidays. But I think that if you start pretending like it's the holidays on October 11th, then you've got a really, really long way to go until it's actually Christmas. And I know that Kari will tell you, "It's basically Christmas" beginning in August, but I think we should at least wait until mid-November to hang the lights. What do you guys think?


Kari said...

I printed out the November conference room schedule calendar this morning. It's basically Christmas. If you really think about it.

amanda said...

I think "Christmas" should start as soon as Halloween is over - so the holiday season starts November 1 in my book. But like Kari says, it's basically Christmas already - I booked a holiday party WEEKS ago.