
Taco Hell

I have never been a fan of Taco Bell. It's not that I hate the food, it's just that I never really feel compelled to eat their style of Mexican cuisine. And now, well now I think it's safe to say that I have crossed the line from tolerating to hating. Cuz guess who's behind the new campaign to promote awareness of starving countries! SPEIDI. Yes. Spencer and Heidi thought it would be good for their image to latch on to this event that is all about getting 3rd world countries some food. It's a good idea....in theory. Because what ended up happening was Speidi wolfed down some tacos in front of a bunch of paparazzi and now all anyone can think about is how they never want to eat at Taco Bell again. Ever. Because you try watching either of them eat and then get your appetite for food back. It's not happening. Trust me. So, if Taco Bell's secret plan was to get people to order a lot of food and then get so grossed out by Speidi eating it that they were forced to then send it away to someone else, then great going! You are an evil genius, Taco Bell.
This is only perpetuated by the fact that B.Spears decided to run for the border last week. My main problem with this is that she and her friend are dressed as if it's midnight and they are getting a "fourth meal." It's clearly daytime. The sunlight is bursting through those windows! But nothing says you're sane enough for visitation rights than putting on your nicest pair of daisy dukes, leopard heels and heading to Taco Bell! I can't believe that Federline was the sane one all along.


amanda said...

I love Taco Bell. I really do. I'd rather have authentic Mexican food, but I can also eat the hell out of a Mexican pizza or pintos 'n' cheese from the Bell.
But I do think that the way to raise awareness about world hunger is NOT to go to Taco Bell and shove you face with tacos. I'm just sayin'.

Kari said...

Three things:

1. The new look of the blog is fun.
2. You have done the last four posts.
3. Not that I won't eat a Mexican pizza from time to time, but Taco Bell is not first fast food choice. Pairing them with Speidi makes me never want to go there again.

Jenny Jackson said...

I went a little blog crazy. I like to change the look every so often and this pink vibe is a lot more fun! We'll see how long it lasts!