
The G: Simpson Baby Buzz

Apparently Jessica Simpson doesn't think the media is paying enough attention to her. To turn the bright lights back on her, she made the following comments (thanks to MSN):

"I want to adopt, and I plan to adopt before I have my own kids," the pop star recently told TV's "Extra."
"I think Angelina Jolie has done amazing, amazing things, and the international adoption rate just since her has skyrocketed," she said. "It's unbelievable."

We all witnessed on Newlyweds that Jessica Simpson struggles to take care of herself. I don't think she should be allowed to be responsible for another's life. I guess you could say it's nice that she wants to adopt a less-fortunate child. But she's obviously seen what adopting did to put Angelina in the spotlight and hopes it will work the same way for her. Please Jessica, don't do it.


Kari said...

Joe Simpson as a grandfather. I didn't even think about that. SICK!

Unknown said...

Anyone who says to themselves, "Britney is so lucky, I wish I could be just like her!" should probably be mentally evaluated. She has a deadbeat husband who is disgusting and she walks around with no shoes almost all the time and dresses like white trash. Oh, wait...we were talking about J.Simp, weren't we? Yeah, she's just plain crazy. There is no way she could raise a kid.