
You May Not Realize...We Can Hear You

This morning I was shopping at Borders for some birthday cards. It is a beautiful day here and people are pretty excited about the warm weather. One woman was so cheery that she was singing...out loud...in the store. Here's the thing - maybe I wouldn't be so disturbed if this didn't happen fairly frequently around town. I get that people like to sing. Maybe they're even good at singing. That's great for them. But it is so bizarre that they choose to do it in public when going about their every day business. The woman in the store was on her way to the bathroom. Yes, just singin' a little ditty on into the bathroom. I think we partly have mp3 players to blame. When you're listening to a song, it's only natural to want to sing, or at least hum along. Normal people can resist that urge when in a public place. Do the others just feel like it's no big deal, or that their singing is so good that people will thank them for bringing song into their otherwise boring day? I need answers. Why do you guys think people sing in public?


Kari said...

Last night I had a job fair interview with a school district. At one point, there were four of us in a meeting room together waiting to get called for our interview. One of the girl proceeded to write some sort of thank you card, both whispering what she was writing as she wrote and laughing at her own jokes. After that, she began reading "Redbook" and laughed out loud at something in there. "Redbook", really? Whether you're singing (as you head to the bathroom??!!), talking to yourself or laughing at your own private jokes, I would prefer you do it amongst friends or in your home.

Unknown said...

On my way to the bus this morning a girl was singing out loud right in front of me! I am almost positive she had an ipod or something because she was sort of messing up the words, but staying with the rhythm of the song. It was basically hilarious, but still ridiculous.