
The Devil's Eggs

Here's a little something that chaps my hide: when people don't share recipes. At my cousin's recent baby shower, we were treated to some delicious deviled eggs. My aunt told us that Viv made them (my cousin's good friend... unfortunate name) and it was a secret recipe. We laughed it off and eventually asked Viv for the recipe. She said "Oh I don't know. I made it up." One of my aunts, who happened to be wearing her new t-shirt emblazoned with I'm in my own little world (love her!), asked Viv if she just threw things together and wasn't sure of the recipe. Viv giggled, said "I know it, I'm just not sharing," gave a cutesy little shrug and walked out. My mom almost threw a deviled egg at her. She hates secret recipes a bit more than myself!

I make a mean spinach dip. I think we all know that it's incredible. And the only reason I feel okay about bragging about it is because it's so easy to make and I give the recipe to anyone who asks for it. Then they can make it and get compliments and brag about it. I'm a giver.

One of my college roommates never gave me recipe for this incredible chocolate pie she made. We're not friends anymore.


Will Askew said...

I guess I'm safe, because I gave you the Cajun Chicken Pasta recipe. I would hate to lose your friendship because I didn't let you in on French Onion/Beef Broth rice deliciousness.

Jenny Jackson said...

It's obvious that you will not let anyone stand in your way of filling up your new recipe box. I'm pretty sure that the next step is requiring a recipe from every guest who enters your home.

For future reference, I sent you 2 cards and it'd be great if I could take a rain check on the admission to casa Owens.

Kari said...

I considered defending myself as a recipe Nazi, but I'm not going to. I have just four words: Secrets don't make friends.

Brittnee said...

Secrets do not make friends...truer words have never been spoken. I hope we are still friends and you will overlook my tardiness in sending you the chicken-spaghetti recipe. I will get it to you soon!

I want Will's Cajun Chicken Pasta recipe...PLEASE...I love Cajun Chicken and I love Pasta...so I know I will love it when mixed together.

Will Askew said...

either i or kari will send it to you. you will enjoy it. cajun food is gooooood.