
A Fake Ring Alone...

This is just one of the many reasons that I think Heidi needs to run as fast as she can from Spencer. He had the nerve to buy her a fake ring from a store in a LA mall and then present it to her on national t.v. My opinion? If I'm getting proposed to on television at least buy me a real ring for the proposal...we can take it back after filming...Sister, that ring is a symbol of your future life with him and it ain't looking good. Fake nose, fake boobs, fake ring...real love? I don't think so.


Jenny Jackson said...

Well said. Does she not watch her own reality show? If she had seen half the antics that he pulled last season they would be broken up by now. And, with the ring he bought at LA's version of Claire's, this is only one more reason to dump his cheeto-lovin' ass.

Kari said...

Seriously, why do we care about these people? They are completely ridiculous!

I'll be tuning in at 9pm sharp tonight.